Find a radio program online (it can be a variety show, news program, music program, drama, etc. from any era). After listening to your program, describe its message AND the social function of its message (to disseminate information; to set an agenda; to entertain; to distract; to socialize; etc.). Then, select a 30sec. clip that effectively illustrates the message conveyed by the program. Bring your clip to class next week. (Or, have the URL if the clip is online!)
Here are a few links you can use to help you:
Radio Lab
On the Media
Radio Lovers
National Public Radio
Public Radio Exchange
Mercury Theatre on the Air
Internet Archive of Radio Programs
Here are a few links you can use to help you:
Radio Lab
On the Media
Radio Lovers
National Public Radio
Public Radio Exchange
Mercury Theatre on the Air
Internet Archive of Radio Programs
I research and found a news program that was broadcasted onthe media.com, it was entitled Demographics in New York. The audio clip spoke about the opinion of those who experienced the speech from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The clip gave a brief history of political leaders who had spoken in the U.N. and or Columbia University in the past and showed it as a podium for foreign politicians to opinionate there dislikes for the American president and state their views and potentially dispute the media image of them. Of those leaders they mentioned Castrol, Hugo Chavez and Chewiest Banging. The new reports agenda was to give a vivid description of the speech and distinguish information leading up to the speech and thereafter. The opinion of the host and Columbia University Professor was clearly stated and gave little clarity to the situation.
While doing some reseach, I found a program that is called New York Public Radio. It is airs on 93.9 p.m. and 820 a.m. Its known to be the New York's premier public radio station. It broadcast the finest progrmas from National public radio and international. It gets over billions of people each week. On 93.9 it talks about a broad range of daily news, talks, and cultural, while on 820 it maily focused on breaking news international and global. Before 1997, both stations were owned by NY and operated by the WNYC foundation as a non-profit org. In 1995, the foundation agreed to purchase both stations on NY for 20 millions dollars. While listening to a clip they had online, it caught my attention. They were talking about aging and how some age faster than other and why thats the case. They mentioned people who are suffering with cancer and other dieases and how it can affect them. You see online that people listen to him and also state their opinion.
The mission statement they go by is "To make the mind more curious, the heart more tolerant and the spirit more joyful through excellent radio programming that is deeply rooted in New York"
I found an old Superman radio program from the 1940's. The point of this program is to entertain young children during that time period. You can tell that the demographic is children because they talk about comic books, and special Superman buttons, and advertisements for Kellog cereal. Socially this program was necessary because it gave children something to be entertained by. It was also a relief from worrying about the tragic events of WWII.
URL: http://ia301324.us.archive.org/1/items/adventuresofsupermanradio012/02-05-46.mp3
Video URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjqedRdoN44
My results after listening to a NPR radio clip of Anucha Browne Sanders sexual harassment suite against Madison Square Garden and Isiah Thomas. It was clearly to inform listeners of the case and the results. Executives at Madison Square Garden and Isiah Thomas were found guilty of sexual harassment and ordered to pay $11.6 Million to Anucha Browne Sanders.
In the news clip both sides involved in the case were asked their views on the verdict of the case, so you did not get a one sided point of view from the news cast. The news cast also informed us about the effects of the guilty verdict and its effect on the New York Knicks and will have a negative effect on the Knicks and Cablevision, Cablevision who is the parent company of the New York Knicks. The main point of the radio news cast was to inform and update listeners about the case and its verdict.
The radio show that i'm gonna present is "Mike & Mike In The Morning." This is a very popular radio show amongst sports fanatics as myself. This show is broadcasted on 1050 AM. The demographic for this show ranges betwwen the ages of 18-60. It's a very large demographic since everyone knows sports are a cult. I've been listening to this show quite a while now. What makes this show so unique is that there are two hosts (obviously the name gives it away). One of them is Mike Golic and the other one is Mike Greenberg. Mr. Golic is a retired football player and Mr. Greenberg is a journalist but seems more like the average fan. The catch for this show is that listeners get the point of view of a fan and the athlete plus they could make phone calls and state their opinions or criticize the hosts views. What's better than that? As we all now my beloved New York Mets were elminated from the postseason due to a historic collapse. The clip that i was listening to was a segment about The Mets collapse. In such segment you could hear both Mikes and fans ripping the The Mets for their collapse. Sadly in order for you to hear such clip you need an espn membership but luckily the show is on podcast for free, of course on iTunes. Here are the links:
Podcast: (Couldn't find an exact link)
Go to iTunes, click on iStore then on podcast, click on sports and then search for Mike and Mike and Woahlah!!
After looking for something i could use, i went to z100.com, this radio station does phone taps and gets people to their boiling points. The clip I picked was of a man getting so heated after his wife called him ,about a rich client making passes at her. He gets on the phone and shares words and what he is going to do to him. Such as gutting him. The tap was named the sleazy client.
I listened to a Show called 5 minute Mysteries The episode being called "Man in the Back Seat" The story is about 3 men who are driving in a car one of the men in the back was wrapped in bandages, the car gets into a accident and the man in bandages gets thrown out of the car and the driver is charged with Murder, Listen to the show to find out why! The main goal of this show is to entertain those who listen to them And i would say the main focus group would be teenagers to people in their twentys.
The radio program that I listened to was an informal talk about wikipedia, by a guy with a PhD. He criticized wikipedia's open editing abilities, saying that anyone can edit anything on wikipedia, thus vandals can easily swap real info with fake info. The bots or sock puppets as he calls them can't tell the difference between a vandal edit and a genuine edit. The methods of stopping vandals don't work if the vandals have at least a little common sense. Also, he described wikipedia's rules as an information fad, information fashion. They change constantly and without warning. You can edit something today and it would be last week's rules. It is an informative talk/critique in order to get people to better understand wikipedia. And to address faults that once fixed will make it better.
the show that I chose is a programed that is aired in Spanish called " El Vacilon de la Manana". This is a morning show that is aired everyday. The show is aimed to entertained people and make them laught. To explain it in short words this show sounds like a spanish Howard Stern show
I research and found a program on the New York Public Radio (WNYC). The program is a brief description of presidential hopeful Rudolph Guiliani, who is being pushed into the shadows of the 2008 presidential race. the program did a wonderful job of giving details about the things Guiliani did. One of the main things mentioned is the role Guiliani played in the cleaning up of New York City streets, and how he was a attentive and compassionate mayor in the Sept. 11 attacks. the program went further to point out some of the tatics used by Guiliani and his campaign to capture voters. The ads that guiliani put out to the public is being critique by an analyst named George Arts, and he give a breakdown of the ad. There are some of the ads in the program itself, which gave me a clear understanding of what tthe analysts were saying.
The online radio program I chose was 1010 WINS. It is a news radio and online program. Its message is “you give us 22 minutes and we’ll give you the world!” The social function of their message is to disseminate informative news to its audience on what is happening around the world in 22 minutes. This online radio program will give the weather, sports, local news, traffic, and more.
this is tawasi
The program i chose was ESPN Humbug. pretty much there talking about how barry bonds home run record was being swept under the rug. his run was compared to the run of sammy sosa and mark mcguire and how his run is less respected and less spoken about because its swarming with this steroid scandal
in the next show the spoke about how his record breaking ball was going to be sent to the hall of fame with an asterisk on it because of all of the rumors and alligations of steroid use
Keston Glasgow
While surfing the web i came upon a radio show that had an entertainment segment that just had a few people comming into the studio to entertain the listeners. The Woody show "Aries Spears" rap Live105.com was the name of program.
This show had a person who could make himself sound like other rappers..
The radio program I chose to write about is the MTA going green. The MTA is trying not to use green house gases on their trains and subways. The are trying to removes toxic gases from their trains. With all that they are trying to get rid of their carbon emissions. By trying to reduce their waste they are getting rid of certain buses also.
I found an old radio from the 1930s 40s 50s hosted by, Dave Allen. The radio show was variety show, the show was more comedy than anything. I think the main purpose of the show was to put a smile on whomever was watchig it.
www. radiodaddio.net
At 12O' clock every weekday, there's an hour long segment on Z-100 where announcer Shelly Wade plays the top 10 requested songs especially for people at work.The lunch hour program is commercial free so that listeners get the most music with minimal interruptions. Shelly's personality and program definately cheers me up when i'm stuck at work all day. her show is meant to entertain and even to distract listeners and to help make the workday go by faster. http://z100.com/cc-common/streaming_onesite/index.html?refreshed=yes
I found an old radio program called Old time radio shows.On a country Road starring Cary Grant. the program is about a young couple who find themselves driving down a dark country road with a strom brewing and a killer on the loose.It is a on going story that is interesting to the viewers gives them something to liten to with there family. It was first broadcast in the 1950s the url is http://www.rusc.com-RUSC OLD TIME RADIO
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