1) What techniques does the trailer use to get you hooked? (eg. camera angles, music, voice over, etc.)
2) Does the trailer give away too much of the story?
3) What “ideology” or worldview does the trailer sell? (eg. Does the film give stereotypical views of the world, relationships, etc.? If so, what are the "types" used? Is the film conservative or progressive, etc.?)
The movie trailer that I watched was for Saw IV, which comes out on the 26th. You're hooked by the hinting images they give you of the movie. This is the fourth installment of the Saw series, so you know what to expect, leaving you to only want to know how people are going to be tortured in this film. There is also the voice over by the villain of the movie that intrigues you speaking in his usual mysterious and suspenseful tone. Due to how the previous movie in the series ended, the trailer doesn't showcase nearly enough images to give away the story. There needs to be more images of how things from the last movie correlate to this one inorder to give away the movie. There aren't really any ideologies or world views being shown in the trailer. It is progressive however, in the sense that is it unlike most horror films put out today. The way the scenes are shot are different. As far as the trailer, it is very straight forward in terms of what is being showcased.
The movie trailer that i watched was Resident Evil Extinction. The movie already came out, but when i first wathed the trailer i already knew that the movie wasn't going to be that good. I felt this way because there wasn't anything really new or unusual being the fact that this one is the fourth sequel to the package. i was already ablre to tell that there wouldn't be much showcasing of good acting skills because they included Ashanti, no talent singer/ fake popstar as one of the members in the caste. To me the trailer only showed the the 1 or 2 exciting parts of the film. Teh movie show progression as far as how they will turn the zombies back in to human andthe only world view it show is that if anything was to happen and the world was to ome to an end only those that have the proper resources will survive.
The movie trailer I saw was for the movie :AMERICAN GANGSTER which is due to relase November 2,2007. This trailer has you hooked, due to the fact of the cast - T.I, Denzel Washington, Russel crow etc. This movie does not have your typical stereotypes. Example Black man thats powerful does not have to be apart of the crips or bloods selling weed. In the trailer Russel crowe says " Frank Luis(Denzel Washington) is above the mafia, another detective says " who does he work for, what family" The stereo type is that all mobsters are italian. No black man has acomplished what an american mob has in 100 yrs. In this movie Denzel plays a powerful mob leader on the rise with ties in Asia buying dope. This movie is progressive in the sense that its not your typical gangster flick.
The movie trailer I viewed was Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married; although I did not see the full length movie I was able to view the trailer online. The trailer used short dramatic scenes from the movie to give you that insight into the movie’s content. The scenes had a lot of close ups of some of the main characters in the movie as they go through different emotions be it happy or sad. The trailer gave you just enough to draw you in and wanting to see the full length movie.
The movie trailer I believe presented a conservative view of relationships and family because it was based on marriage with in relationships, not any baby mama or baby daddy drama. Marriage is a traditional aspect of relationship, or which is expected between couples. The trailer was presented in a dramatic style with the narrator voice over.
The movie that I chose is Resident Evil: Extinction. The beginning of the trailer gets u hooked because it makes u think that it's for another type of movie where you hear a female voice saying " just hours away from the ordinary theres a place where the party never dies...where the part never dies". Right there it goes into a shot of the place which is suppose to be Las Vegas, but its all run down and looks very much out of the ordinary. The trailer does not give away the film it barely even shows you what the movie is about and thats what makes it interesting, but if you've followed Resident Evil from the first movie you understand whats to come with the people who have the virus in them. The world that the trailer is show ing you is Las Vegas in the beginning of the traveler and as the camera zones out and the video on the teletron is getting more far away you get to see the run down part of Vegas that probably got ruined by the war between the people with the virus and the ones trying to kill them.
i recently saw the movie trailer for The Heartbreak Kid. i love comedy's so this movie appealed to me so much that i decided i definately had to go see it as soon as it was released. the scenes chosen for the trailer were soo funny, it made me interested to see what came after them. the trailer does give away the story but not the ending so the viewer is left wondering about the outcome. the trailer sells the idea that you have to get married sooner or later , especially if all your friends have already found their significant other, but you should choose wisely and be sure that the person you do choose is indeed your soulmate. http://www.heartbreakkidmovie.com/?deeplink=video&vid=trailer1
The movie trailer that i watched
is Things we lost in the Fire. Which will be released 10/26/07 and of course Academy award winner Halle Berry, along side Benicio Deltoro,David Duchovny, and others.The trailer reminded me of movies that i have seen already. In one part of the trailer it remimded me of Monster Ball with a combination twist of Waiting to exhale, and Kind of what lies beneath. Don't get me wrong the way in which the sceen is set up it grabes my attention, It is interesting how in the trailer it takese me from point to point emphasizing on the sound effects, the lighting sets the tone for each sceen the way inwhich the techniques are used it complements this movie.I don't think to much of the story was given away it was enough it still makes me want to see the movie.
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The movie that i watched was Vacancy which was released in 2007. Some of the techniques that were certainly used in this triller was the music. The type of music they played had the audience in suspense. The close up's camera shots they used also gave you a more incensed feeling because you could see the actors every breath. The movie had some form of stereotyping because it shows that white people out in the desert are just crazy...
My trailer is American Gangster. It portrays Harlem in the 1970’s, in which Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington) was a Gangster running the streets of NYC. The trailer sends the message that there was a lot of violence, drugs, murder, robberies, racketeering, and extortion going on in Harlem back in the 70’s. The techniques that got my attention are the camera angles, and music. I thick the music really goes along with the theme of the movie. The trailer’s explosive and coordinated camera shots sequence keep me focused. Even though the trailer does give away much of the story, it kind of keep you wandering what will happen to Frank Lucas at the end. The ideology that the trailer sells is that The Mafia in America has been known to be run by white gangster. Now there is black gangster Frank Locus doing what an Italian Gangster has never done before. What I like about Frank Lucas is that he believes that in business honesty, hard work, integrity and family are very important. Furthermore, I like Frank Locus ideology, which says, you are two things in this world, you are either a somebody or you ain’t nobody. What I also like about Frank Lucas character is that being a notorious gangster in Harlem in the 70’s, he never forgot where he came from. This is a conservative film being that the movie sell the shows exactly what other gangster movies have shown before, however, this time it portrays a different look at what was really happening back in Harlem in the 1970’s.
The Trailer I watched was for 30 Days of night which is based off of a comic book by Steve Niles. The way this trailer hooks you to the movie is that they show short clips that dont make much sense, Your thinking the movie is about one thing yet then its suddenly about another and leaves you wanting more. Not much of the story is given away other than the fact that the town is sunless for 30 days. The trailer shows that the movie is for people who can handle seeing such graphic violence and horror from the scenes that were shown
The trailer I watched was for the movie kingdom. The hooks presented by this movie are the numerous cuts of action scenes. It seems that much of the plot is leaked so watching this movie is mainly for the action and to get the full plot. Apparently what they want you to get is that they are all going to die, but the major issue is how they will die. I would say that it's progressive, not being your typical shooter.
The trailer I watched was "HITMAN" which came out October 12th. The beginning of the trilaer starts with music and word accorss the screen in bold lettering. In the middle of the trailer they showed dramatic peices of the movie with extremely wide shots that lead into the understanding of the movie. The trailer gave away the basis of the movie, and not to much into the plot, it shows the battle between good and evil in a super hero manner. It peaks the interst of the viewer about the concepts of the movie.
the trailer i watched was for rush hour 3. this trailr hooks the veiwer in by showing alot of actions and showing alot of the jokes in the movie. on first glance i didnt really pay attention to the actual story. what really caught my eyes was the jokes. alot of the action scence's they chose really pulled me in
The movie trailer i watched was for the movie 300. Even though i watched the movie already, the trailer was so good it made me want to go and watch it again. The trailer gave a feeling as if it was the movie you were watching. the clips used stood out in such a detailed way it was near if not exact perfection. Also the trailer did what it intended to do, get the viewers excited and a quick understanding of the movie. Just like the movie the trailer gets a grrade of A for a great trailer.
The movie trailer that I saw was American Gangster. The way they hooked me into the movie was by the music that they used, the movie being based on a true story and by having Denzel Washington starring in it.
They used a song from Jay-Z called heart of the city. This trailer makes me want to see this movie. The trailer does not give anything serious about the movie. The trailer just shows us what to expect from the characters as far as who they are and what they do. This film gives us a stereotypical point of view of the world of a drug dealer and the cops who are trying to catch the drug dealer.
I chose "Gone Baby Gone" directed by Ben Affleck as my trailer for this assignment. I personally thought the trailer was subliminal beside the obvious message which it presents. The trailer shows how the movie is about the abduction of a little girl and how Casey Affleck is hired to help find her, amongst other twists of course. The trailer also shows that at the end of the movie there is a major twist, which could ultimately take away from the movie due to the fact that narrow minded movie goers nowadays are going to break their heads trying to figure out who is the culprit instead of enjoying the purity of the film. The movie trailer showed a fast pace of numerous shots, which some seemed to be incoherent to the message but i guess it's done to add to the drama. Ultimately, the narrator plus some lower thirds announced to the viewers that the movie has a good rating by the critics, which could attract some people. I was able to see the movie and I must admit that the movie trailer could disappoint some viewers since it could be define as better than the movie itself.
NewsChannel 4 signed on the air as WNBT on July 1, 1941
In 1993 it launched its “we’re 4 new york”. WNBC-TV was the first station to launch the half-hour late-night news format on its "11th Hour News"; first to launch the one-hour early evening local news broadcast "Sixth Hour News", first to broadcast local news in color and first to present a two-hour news program in New York titled "News Center 4." WNBC-TV was also the first local station to introduce local audiences to a live news interview program “Live at Five," which remains on the station's program schedule today. The main message is to alert people on what’s happening in everyday life and what’s new in all fields (fashion, entertainment, sports, politics, news around all different countries….etc). The main target is both female and male of ages 9 and up (targets more adults than kids). In my opinion, I think ads, news articles, talk shows; etc pays for the news channel. It makes the channel more popular and different than any other. Basically I think the production work covers all the important details it needs to cover. Everyday they come up with different topics and exciting stories to base their show about, morning and evening shows.
Looking at movie trailers everyday on television, I was more hooked on SAW IV. I didn’t know what movie it was at first until I saw jigsaw which was the main character of the story. That sort of gave away the title of the movie. It basically showed what you’re in for in the movie. It didn’t give away that much detail on what it was going to be about, but it looked exciting and gruesome. It showed a lot of action, people screaming, running, doors locking, blood and etc. I wasn’t sure on the storyline, but I was guessing it was a continuation to the first, second, and third one they made. In my opinion, the director of the movie did a good job on the first 3 that I wouldn’t hesitate to see the fourth part even if the trailer didn’t go into a lot of detail. I think that’s why the trailer wasn’t all that on what the story was about, because just looking at 25 seconds of it would make you want to watch it.
The movie trailer of my choice is “Across the Universe”. The trailer for this movie is very colorful, exciting and strange. It tells the timeless love story using music from the very popular Beatles. The movie itself is a musical composed of only music from the Beatles. In my opinion, judging from the advertisements, the target audience is young adults and older adults alike. Older adults because it’s the classic music of their time; and younger adults because of their use of new modern art, young beautiful actors/actress and a new mix to the music. The trailer in general hints of the youthfulness of the movie, of a love story with music, art and sex appeal. Personally, after seeing the movie myself, I think the trailer was very good. It told of a glamorous love story to catch my attention, hinting of what the movie entailed without giving away the trials/ temptation and problems the couple had to endure to create the love story.
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