Tuesday, September 11, 2007

JOURNAL TWO: Print Media


Select a current news item and find two DIFFERENT print stories on the item.
Include a reference of where you found each story. (Name of story/Author/Name of publication/Date)
  1. Analyze each news story using the SMCR model. (Eg. Who sent the story? What is the message? What channel is used to communicate? Who received the story?)
  2. Compare and contrast how the news item is depicted in each story. (Eg. How are the two stories similar? How are they different? Etc.)
  3. Critique the way the news item is covered in ONE of the stories. (Eg. What is censored or left out of the story? Is the story biased? Etc.)


Francisco said...

Current News Item: Buying prescriptions online
Print Story: 1-Security watch: spam that just might kill you. Author: Robert Vamosi, Senior Editor. Name of publication: MSN Tech & Gadgets. Content by: cnet.com
Date: August 24, 2007 11:53 AM
Print Story: 2- Buying prescription drugs online: The do's and don'ts. Author: Mayo Clinic staff. Name of publication: MSN Health and Fitness. Content by Mayoclinic.com
Date: July 20, 2007
1-SMCR model story 1- Source: Robert Vamosi and MSN Tech and Gadgets. Message: Be careful when buying prescription drugs online. Channel: The Internet. Receiver: I am.
SMCR model story 2- Source: Mayo clinic and MSN Health and Fitness. Message: Things to know and avoid when buying drugs on the internet. Channel: The Internet. Receiver: I am.
2- The two stories are similar in the sense that they are informing the audience to be aware about buying prescription drugs online. They are both giving tips on how to go about making the online prescription purchase safer creating at the same time awareness on the internet.
3-I think the first story is pretty straight forward revealing how people have died and suffered by buying tainted prescriptions drug online. I think what was left out is what the other story does buy giving the do’s and don’ts.

Anonymous said...

Current news : Halo 3 release
Print one - Incoming! Fans Brace for Latest `Halo 3'/MATT SLAGLE/AP/Sept 25th
Print two - Halo 3 Storms Manhattan/Lewis Wallace/Wired blog network/Sept 25th
SMCR 1 - Source: Matt Slagle, Assosiated Press. Message: The maddness that is the midnight release for halo 3. Channel: The internet and Newspapers. Reciever: The people that play Halo
SMCR 2 - Source: Lewis Wallace, Wired Blog. Message: The manhatten release for halo 3. Channel: Internet. Reciever: Local New york gamers.

Both stories deal with the releases of the video game halo 3 which has generated a very great deal of hype. The second story covers the release in manhatten where locals where comparing it to a riot/madness scene.

The second story is pretty non biased and doesnt leave much out, the only thing it maybe does is show us gamers as a bit of nut jobs.

steve said...

(1)Delaware State teen charged with attempted murder
Associated Press

SMCR model
(Source) The source of the message is the associated press.
(Message) Teen charged with attempted murder in the Delaware State shootings.
(Channel) The channel is cnn news website.
(Receiver) The person reading the internet article.

Del. school shooting suspect charged in court
Associated Press
(Source) The source of the message is associated press
(Message) Del school shooting suspect charged in court
(Channel) msnbc.msn.com website
(Receiver) The person reading the internet article

(2) Both stories are similar in the way it is covered. They both have the same description of the shooting that took placer at Delaware State. The order of the story may be different but the content is pretty much the same. The titles of both stories are different, cnn has a more detailed explanation of why the shooting happened.

(3)CNN gave more of a detailed background of the shooter, where as MSNBC decided to leave that information out. I don’t believe it was censored, but just they thought it was not important enough to place in the story. I don’t believe MSNBC was bias on the story, to me gave a neutral explanation of the incident.

tricia said...

Current News Item: Trinidad and Guyanese Terrorists.

News Item 1: “Terror Arrests Puzzle Many in Guyanese Enclave in Queens.”
Author: Ellen Barry and Ethan Wilenski-Lanford
Name of Publication: New York Times (online version)
Date: June 5, 2007
News Item 2: “Trinidad Group Denies Link to New York Bomb Plot.”
Author: Marc Lacey
Name of Publication: New York Times (online version)
Date: June 10, 2007
1. SMCR model, story 1-
Source- Ellen Barry and Ethan Wilenski-Lanford; “Terror Arrests Puzzle Many in Guyanese Enclave in Queens.” Message- Guyanese residents in Queens, New York were not aware of any plot of attack on JFK International Airport. Channel-the internet. Receiver- me.
SMCR model, story 2-
Source- Marc Lacey; “Trinidad Group Denies Link to New York Bomb Plot.” Message- religious group in Trinidad does not accept blame or connection to the attempted JFK International Airport bombing. Channel- the internet. Receiver-me.
2. These two stories are similar in the way that they both describe plans to blow up the JFK International Airport. They also both describe the suspects involved and the authorities’ reaction to the discovery of the threat.
3. In the first article, I think that the writer conveyed to the reader that Guyanese citizens, living in New York are innocent and oblivious to the fact that one of their own people could be involved in any sort of terrorist plot against the US. Whereas, the second article was written specifically describing the Islamic group in Trinidad and Tobago, describing them as ‘a local criminal gang’. To any reader who does not know about the people of Trinidad or Guyana, the depictions in these articles give the impression that Trinbagonians are people capable of violence and that Guyanese are docile, hardworking individuals.
I think that both articles should have described equally Trinidadians and Guyanese people living in both the U.S as well as those living in their native countries.

Anonymous said...

Print #1
Title: Ahmadinejah, at Columbia, Parries and Puzzle
Author: Helene Cooper
Date of Pub: Sept. 25th
Date: Sept. 25th
SMCR Model
Source: The New York Times
Message: The intention of Iran leader and the derogatory remarks made at his speech yesterday in Columbia University.
Channel: Newspaper, pictures of protestors
Receiver: New Yorkers

Print #2
Title: “The Evil Weasel”-Grinning madman squirms at Colombia
Author: Tamer El-Ghobashy & Bill Hutchinson
Date of Pub: Sept. 25th
Date: Sept. 25th
SMCR Model
Source: Daily News
Message: Taking a loving message to a face of hate: what the Daily news audiences think’s about the speech at Colombia.
Channel: Newspaper
Receiver: Daily News readers

Both stories touched on the tension of the Ahmadinejad coming to N.Y. and the insults that was made towards America and Bush. The Daily News touched more upon the readers opinion of the issue, and The New York Times touched upon the actual demographic of the speech and the facts to support it.

The New York Times gave more facts about the speech, it’s message and the reference to what was said and the power he holds in Iran right now. It showed the specific way in which he insulted the Western society. The article quoted directly from the speech and gave specific details of insulting President Bush and Palestinians It showed the ways in which the audience agreed with him. The Daily News on the other hand showed a more opinionated point of view as it always does. It showed the ways in which the president of Iran insulted the American people. They were concerned about specific surrounding details (like what was worn) and the outside protesters but not so much on the actual speech.

Anonymous said...

Print #1
Title: Ahmadinejah, at Columbia, Parries and Puzzle
Author: Helene Cooper
Date of Pub: Sept. 25th
Date: Sept. 25th
SMCR Model
Source: The New York Times
Message: The intention of Iran leader and the derogatory remarks made at his speech yesterday in Columbia University.
Channel: Newspaper, pictures of protestors
Receiver: New Yorkers

Print #2
Title: “The Evil Weasel”-Grinning madman squirms at Colombia
Author: Tamer El-Ghobashy & Bill Hutchinson
Date of Pub: Sept. 25th
Date: Sept. 25th
SMCR Model
Source: Daily News
Message: Taking a loving message to a face of hate: what the Daily news audiences think’s about the speech at Colombia.
Channel: Newspaper
Receiver: Daily News readers

Both stories touched on the tension of the Ahmadinejad coming to N.Y. and the insults that was made towards America and Bush. The Daily News touched more upon the readers opinion of the issue, and The New York Times touched upon the actual demographic of the speech and the facts to support it.

The New York Times gave more facts about the speech, it’s message and the reference to what was said and the power he holds in Iran right now. It showed the specific way in which he insulted the Western society. The article quoted directly from the speech and gave specific details of insulting President Bush and Palestinians It showed the ways in which the audience agreed with him. The Daily News on the other hand showed a more opinionated point of view as it always does. It showed the ways in which the president of Iran insulted the American people. They were concerned about specific surrounding details (like what was worn) and the outside protesters but not so much on the actual speech.

Anonymous said...

Current news: Lack of sleep may be deadly, research showson Mon Sep 24, 9:39 AM
Print Story 1: "Lack of sleep hits night owls hard" on 17 March 2007
Print story 2:Lack of sleep, too much sleep, both deadly on Sept. 24, 2007
-SMCR model for current news is Yahoo news by Ben Hirschler
Channel: news, internet
- Print 1: From New Scientist Print Edition
Channel: news, internet, library
- Print 2: United Press International
Channel: news, internet, library
Receivers: People that are lacking sleep and having health issues.

Looking at the current news, it explained that people who dont get enough sleep as they should be are more likely to die of a heart diease according to researchers. It also said that people who use to get 7 hours of sleep and cuts it down to 5 or less is faced with of increasing the risk in causing double the chances of cardiovascular diease. They mentioned the results of getting the diease will be higher depending on your age, sex smoking and alcohol consumption, body mass and etc. They also mentioned people who sleep more than they should( more than 8-9 hours) of sleep also have a chance of facing a health problem such as depression or cancer.

Looking at Print story 1: It is mainly talking about people who dont get enough sleep tend to be very groggy most of there days. In this article they blamed it on genes. People with two copies of one variant of a gene that helps control our body clocks turn out to suffer worse cognitive deficits after sleep deprivation.People with the long genes tend to be night owls(late to bed and late to rise).
Print 2: It was mainly focusing on what the current news was explaining. They mention the lack of sleep can cause the diease, but people who gets to much double's the risk of death. They also stated what the researchs said on depending on the age...etc.
But they gave feed back on researchers at a different college and the estimate amount of people who suffered.

Overall, I think the current news and print 2 are very similar. They share the same ideas and both over looked the point very well. As for print 1, it didnt say much and it went into the topic of blaming it on the genes.

Anonymous said...

Current News: M.T.A. Fare Hike

Print One- New York Times
Title: Off-Peak Fares Eyed for New York City Transit"
Writer: William Neuman
Published: September 25, 2007

Print Two- NY Daily News
Title: MTA Eyes Fare Hike, But Mulls on Off-peak
Writer: Pete Donohue
Published: September 25, 2007

1) SMCR Model Print One-
The story was sent by the New York Times, and the message was that the Metropolitan Transportaion Authority proposed two possible means to increase it's revenues by means of a fare hike. The channel is the newspaper, and the receiver is the NY Times audience/readers that reside in New York City.

SMCR Model Print Two-
Story was sent by the Daily News, and the message was about the fare hike by the M.T.A. in New York City. The channel is the newspaper itself, and the receiver is the reader of the newspaper.

2) The stories are both very similar because they give the current fare rate of the city and the new proposed rate that it would be changed to. There are also interviews with New York City subway riders, whom the story is geared toward, and ultimately who is effected by the price change. The difference being however, that NY Times went directly to the source and interviewed the chief executive of the MTA, Elliot G. Sander and got his opinion and explanation on the subject. While the Daily News version does inform you more of the changes in price of several metrocards that are avaiable as compared to there new prices. While the NY Times article speaks about a lot of the transportation outlets that are effected such as bridges, L.I.R.R., E-Z Pass users, and Metro-North; if it wasn't for the Times I wouldn't have known those other areas would be effected as well.

3) The Daily News articled didn't cover as much information as the Times did. It only gives you the basic information about what's going on. It's a very small article as well. It lacks depth, and doesn't give information about why the fares are even being raised to begin with. The only good thing about the article is that it seems personal, because they seem to be going for the appraoch of telling one subway/bus rider to another inorder to relate the the receiver of the message by means of their interviews with straphangers and the listing of prices. Daily News coverage needs more journalism work.

Unknown said...

Current News Item: Iran’s president visiting the U. S.

Print Story 1: Iran Prez Rattling Saber,Same old refain before U. S. visit.
Author: Eric Lenkowitz
Name of Publication: New York Post
Date: September 23, 2007

SMCR: Source: Eric Lenkowitz
Message: The Iranian President’s defending his style of ruling Iran.
Channel: Newspaper
Receiver: New Yorkers

Print Story 2: Ahmaddinejad speaks; outrage and controversy follow.
Author: Associated Press
Name of Publication: www.cnn.com
Date: September 24, 2007

SMCR: Source: Associated Press
Message: Iranian President speaking out against U. S. lifestyle and defending his
ruling style.
Channel: News website.
Receiver: The American Society.

Davian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Davian said...

Print 1
Title: Achin' Clooney a Trouper
Author: Clare Trapasso and George Rush
publication: Daily News
Date: Sept. 25, 2007
SMCR 1 Source: The Daily News, Message: the near death experience of movie star and girlfriend, Channel: newspapper, Receiver: all the daily news readers
Print 2
Title: Motorcycle Wreck Leaves Actor With Broken Rib
Author: Associated Press
Publication: Local6.com
Date: Sept. 25, 2007
SMCR 2 Sorce: local6.com, Message: Actor get hurt in accident, Channel: internet (local6.com), Receiver: internet users and movie star fans

The two stries are very much alike, they have the same information, and to be honest not a lot of space to be differnt. However, there were still some diferences in the writing. the Daily News left out a little bit of information that Local6.com put in their report. this is in my opinion the workings of technology. the internet provied Local6.com to update the information as soon as they got it, whereas the papper dose not have that option.

The daily news, in my opinion is very one sided and favored the movie star. The other side that is invovled in the accident is not even reported on, there is just one little part saying he dont think it is his fault, after that every think is about Clooney and his girlfriend. what about the safety of the other driver, he is not a person that can be hurt too, or the Daily Mews only care about mega movie stars.

Unknown said...

Print #1
Title:Falcons' QB Michael Vick, 3 co-defendants indicted on state charges related to dogfighting
Author:AP NEWS
Date of Pub: Sept. 25th
Date: Sept. 25th
1 source:sportsline.com
2 message: there trying to indict Michael Vick on more charges
3 channel:reading
4 reciver: me

print 2
Title:Virginia Grand Jury Michael Vick, Co-Defendents Indicted on Local Charges Related to Dogfighting
Date of Pub: Sept. 25th
Date: Sept. 25th
1 source:Foxnews.com
2 message:date of convection for micael vick
3 channel:reading
4 reciver: me

there alike because they pretty much are speaking about the same topic and pretty much telling the same story, but print number 2 give more facts and digs deeper into the story while number 1 just give a basic overveiw
the first print gives alot of quotes and gives a much more bias approach to the story than print number two.

Anonymous said...

1.Brooklyn girl got shot, leads little brother to safety.
Author:Brendan Brosh
Date:August 28th 2007
Publication:Daily News

2.B'klyn girl shot in Bushwick
Author:Micheal White

1.The writer form each newspaper is who sent the story. The messate was about how this little girl got shot while takeing her brother to shelter. The channel that was used was print. I the reader is who received the story.
2.Both of the articles gives there readers adeqate information about what took place. The two storys are different because in one article(Daily News) they mention the place where the little girl got shot and it is accurate. They also whent a little further and spoke about another eyewitness that was at the place where the shooting took place. Vs the (Post) the mentione of where the shooting took place was wrong and that is important to the readers exspeically when it is close to home, for me that is.
3.What was censored was the information to me the Post did not give enough information about the situation that took place. Not only did they get the name of the place wrong they also did not tell the readers that there was two eyewitness present at the shooting. They also did not talk to much about Kimberlys little brother and what became of him. To me they were to brief in the story I wanted more information on the situation and they didn't even do a follow up story.

Anonymous said...

Print 1
Title: Exam Confirms McAllister's worst fears: He's out for season
Author: Steve Dilbeck
Date Of Publication: September 25th, 2007
SMCR Model
Source: Daily News
Message: Starting Running back for the New Orleans Saints Is out for the year after tearing his knee ligament on Monday.
Channel: Newspaper
Receivers: Daily News readers

Print 2
Title: Manning's Image Gets Big Boost
Author: Billy Witz
Date Of Publication: September 25th, 2007
SMCR Model
Source: Daily News
Message: New York Giantts quaterback is getting a better image and feedback from the fans due to his performance so far this season.
Channel: Newspaper
Receivers: Daily News readers

Anonymous said...

Print 1
Title: Exam Confirms McAllister's worst fears: He's out for season
Author: Steve Dilbeck
Date Of Publication: September 25th, 2007
SMCR Model
Source: Daily News
Message: Starting Running back for the New Orleans Saints Is out for the year after tearing his knee ligament on Monday.
Channel: Newspaper
Receivers: Daily News readers

Print 2
Title: Manning's Image Gets Big Boost
Author: Billy Witz
Date Of Publication: September 25th, 2007
SMCR Model
Source: Daily News
Message: New York Giantts quaterback is getting a better image and feedback from the fans due to his performance so far this season.
Channel: Newspaper
Receivers: Daily News readers

Iddan said...

News: Dollar value fell.
Story 1 - Why Is the Dollar Losing Value?/CHARLES HERMAN/Abc News Market Talk/Sept. 20, 2007
Story 2 - Dollar Briefly Touches New Low /ASSOCIATED PRESS/NYTimes Business/September 26, 2007

1. Story 1: Source - CHARLES HERMAN of ABC NEWS Business || Message - The Value of the American Dollar has fallen || Channel - The internet || Reciever - Anyone who owns dollars
Story 2: Source - Associated Press || Message - The value of the dollar fell but then rose || Channel - newspapers, internet || Reciever - anyone who owns dollars

2. Both stories carry the general message the dollar's value has fallen, but they are geared towards different audiences. The nytimes story is people in business and economy. It is more vague and assumes you knew the previous state of the economies. The Abc news story is for average people who may not understand certain things, so it is very indepth.

3. The story by nytimes, story 2, was very vague. The only reasons given for the drop in the dollar were the interest rates and the housing market, and neither specifically refered to the American economy. The story seemed to be more from a German perspective. The story was title "the Dollar..." yet the dollar and American economics were only mentioned in the first and last paragraphs.

Anonymous said...


Current news: Chrisette Michelle Feat. Thr3e
Print One: York College Performing Arts Center Presents Chrisette Michelle September 29, 2007 8pm
Print two:Chrisette Michelle
Featuring THR3E

What Performing Arts Public
When September 29, 2007
from 08:00 pm to 09:00 pm
Where Performing Arts Center
Contact Name Jacqueline A Bailey
Contact Email jbailey@york.cuny.edu
Contact Phone 718-262-3750
Download to your calendar vCal
$20 | $15 with student I.D.

tickets are available online @ theatermania.com
Source 1: Pandoura's Box
Message:Come out and see the performance of Chrisette Michelle
Channel: School news paper
Recived: Everyone that reads the school newpapers
Source: school web site or internet
Message: Come out and see the performance of Chrisette Michelle
Recived:persons looking for entertainment and upcomming events on the school web site
There are alot of similar things about the two because they are advertising the same event.
The differnce is that the internet gives you more options and you could even buy your ticket instantly.
The story in the press just gives the basic information such as place , time, price. it does not give u where you can go get the tickets instantly

Anonymous said...

print 1- Russian womans 12th baby weighs in at 7.75KG. Reuters.
Publiation : Yahoo news. wed sept 26,2007
print 2 - Woman delivers 17 pound baby
Publication- newsvine.com/AP./ sep 27,2007
SMCR1- Source Fox News/Reuters
Message - Woman in Russia delivers 12th child by c- section. All 12 children weighed above avg.
Channel - Internet, fox news & yahoo.com
Reciever - The entire country
SMCR 2 - Source - AP
Message - Mother and child are fine, mother gave birth to 17 pound baby girl, not wealthy people
Channel - Internet
Reciever - Moscow Mills- global

The two stories are similar, in the way they both tell the tory of a russian woman having 12 kids all of them weighing 17 pounds.

I preffer the second story only because it has more information , stating both mother and daughter are doing fine, and stated family is modest and dont eat alot of food but the clinic provided them with a washing machine and a food card.

Anonymous said...

Current News Item: Jena6
1-SMCR source:Tom/ Soda head.com
Message: Should Jena 6 be jailed?
channel: interenet Reciever: I am
2-SMCR source: Freejena6.org
Message:Justice in Jena6\Channel:interent Reciever:I am
The first source is more open- minded to both sides of the story and the second source already chose a side in which they feel is right.

El Fuerte said...

Current news item: Imus In The Morning is back
Print 1:Shock jock's new sidekicks say they're not just there for show by Mike Jaccarino and Dave Goldiner in the NY Daily News on December 4th
Print 2:Imus Is Back, Chastened but Still Proudly Obnoxious by Jacques Steinberg on December 4th.
SMCR 1: The sender is two reporters, the message is that Don Imus is back but with an even more diverse crew, the channel is the newspaper and the receiver is people who are familiar with the Don Imus incident that happened over 6 months ago.
SMCR 2: The sender is Jacques Steinberg, the message is that you can still expect the same humor from Don Imus but nothing that will incriminate him, the channel was the newspaper and the receiver was the people who are familiar with the Don Imus incident that happened over 6 months ago.
The two stories are different because the one from the Daily News focuses on the aspect of the new crew, and the New York Times focuses on him trying to no get in trouble again.
In the story that is in the New York Times the author didnt focus on Don Imus new cast to me this was a bit bias because it clearly showed that Imus was sorry or that he tried to fix his mistakes and the author didn't highlight it.

cameel said...

Today's News: Weather Headlines.
Date: December 4, 2007 11:15 pm
Story #1 ABC Eyewitness news weather.
Message that it may snow in the morning and a high of 36 degrees. A view of th accu-weather forcast to see how accurated the snowfall and the cold weather is. Then ABC showed a view of the 5 day forecast.
Story#2 NBC News Channel 4 at 11p.
Message also the weather a more detailed version of the weather that held my attention more. Possible snow in the afternoon not the morning. Also a same high of about 34 degrees, and a view of the weekly forcast.
For both stories on the weather both news cast got their message a across in regards to the weather.
But I believe that ABC had a slower time sending the message because they didn't get straight to the point.
NBC did a better job because it held my attention.
Both weather forecast were very much alike except that one was off about 2 degrees.