Post a ONE SENTENCE reaction to the film Videodrome. Your reaction should comment on the use of visual rhetoric in the film.Videodrome @ Wikipedia
Videodrome @ IMDb
Videodrome @ Criterion
Videodrome @ Deep Focus
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In the film Videodrome, the scene where the woman burns herself with the cigarette, sends the message that TV influences people to commit acts of violence, or the fact that cigarettes can harm you.
The film Videodrome was a great metaphor of how technology is progressing and taking over the lives of people that take part in it, and thus causing them to become what they are actually doing/using.
The film Videodrome, has a scene where "Nicky" is calling him and hes entering the tv screen, sends the message that people are influenced by what they see, and literally imagine that they are a character in what they are watching..
In the film videodrome, the scene where Max's torso opens up and he placed the gun within it, that shows how the mind can be cruel due to television and its influence.
The film Videodrome is a very different film, it's shows how television is draining our lives, and how someday we may end up like Max Renn and become controlled by a television or programed to kill.
The movie Videodrome is a symbol of today's society; our lives are controlled by technology and media specifically, and the movie tries to give a glance of how it can become for us, symbolically.
After watching Videodrome, it gave me the visual effect of man morphing with technology and line between normalcy and insanity, the blurring of reality and made believe world.
Videodrome is David Cronenberg’s sinister story of the television era and also a horror movie that takes a close look at the aspect of a horror movie
The film Videodrome was a very unique film, using visual rhetoric such as the scene where Max has the tape placed in his stomach to program him to kill his partners, showing that the television programs we consume programs us as a society to act a certain way or behave a certain way to be more like the actors in the show…
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Videodrome is a television show, possibly with subliminal messaging, that caused hallucination and then transformation to those who watched it. The broadcast was given to the protagonist on tape. It consisted of a woman being abused, and finally killed, for sexual pleasure.
In Videodrome When the main Characters hand turns into the Cyber organic gun it shows how technology is fusing with us and our inability to be aware of it
This is Tawasi the Great
In the film Videodrome, the scene where the vrc is in his stomach and he pushes in the tape this brings up the argument that when we watch televison we become machines that carry out whatever the person who makes the program that we watch.
Videodrome was great! it made me realize even further how interconnected we are to media, especially in one of the scenes where the tapes were placed into James Wood's stomach.
Videodrome is a pointless and plotless show that is aired into pirate satellite dishs. Videodrome depicts torture and murder. The signal of the transmission evokes tumers in the brains of the people who watch the program. One of the characters in the movies refers to
Videodrome as fascist a socio-political force.
Videodrome is a film that illustrates how movies and television can impact somebody’s live. It sends a message that violence, and pain can be enjoyable by anyone who dares to try. It also shows the power that movies and television have to influence a person’s way of thinking or analyzing a particular issue.
The film is a fully realized, virtual reality movie. It had major distrubitions like underground video, porn and violence. The entire movie shows that T.V can have an influence on one's mind. Majority of the time it sends a message of violence, controlling of the mind and alot of fantasy scenes.
Videodrome is a 1983 film directed by David Cronenberg.
My reaction to the film Videodrome is that even though parts of it was a lillte grotesque, particularly when people are shoving their hands into his stomach; it delivers a good message of how the media is behind the conspiracy to dominate and control our lives.
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Videodrome is a movie that illustrates the illusion of movies and television. It introduces the message that the audiences are quite ready for a change on the content of a movie. The new trend presents torture and pain in a pleasurable and enjoyable style probably attempting to use the fact that many people in the 80’s was gear toward sex. When Hollywood applies a new perspective on the big screen they do study if the audience is ready to handle a new way to bring a message. Finally videodrome is saying that if you don’t really take a movie for what it is, just a movie, then you can end up getting yourself in a lot of trouble.
Videodrome is a visual metaphor that shows how television has induce the mind of viewers.
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Videodrome is a dark parable for the television age as well as a horror movie about the very nature of horror movies.
This film is bassically showing us the way technology affects the society. How Tv controll the minds of the viewer
In Videodrome when Max hand was attached to the gun it showed that videodrome and the images were part of him: the main Character .
The film videodrome, exposes the addictive behavior to imagine being invovled with what their seeing especially if it is popular and while on television it seems like it is possiblein real life.
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