In honor of International BUY NOTHING DAY!, we will end our journals with an evaluation of our lives as consumers. Your assignment is divided in two parts. The first part is a personal reflection that you will not post on this blog. The second is your analysis of the relationship between spending and advertising. This you will post.
Part One: After visiting the ADBUSTERS site and reading The Empire of Debt, do an inventory of how much you spend each day, month and year. How much do you spend on essential products (like food and housing)? How does this amount compare to non-essentials (like movies and books)? Remember that it is not necessary to post this portion of the assignment. Record your answers in a notebook or offline journal.
Part Two: What is the difference between a need and a want? Were your purchases influenced by advertising? If so, how? What kinds of advertising campaigns influence you most? What ad techniques are most effective on you? What ideologies do you buy?
The difference between a need and a want is simple when we are talking about regular life, a need is something that is essential to survival like shelter, food, and to a certain degree cloths. A want is simple something in excess to a want for example expensive or top brand cloths, also trips for vacation, and going to a bar, etc.
My purchases were in part influenced by advertising because the advertisement is what told me that my product was available. Advertisement is also what should me what a product is good for (pros,cons).
The types of ad campaignes that influence me most are ones that show the concequence of doing things like smoking, for example "TRUTH" commercials. The technique that is more effective to me is showing real life cases of the victims. The types of ideologies that I buy are such like the ones I explained before, I buy these ideologies because I'm not actually buying anything except an i dea that i agree with like somking is bad for your health
A need is something that a person cannot do without in order to survive: food, clothes, shelter. A want is anything that is not neccessary to maintain daily life. These are things that we learn in first grade. Sometimes the lines between needs and wants can be blurred, either by certain situations, or by our own blurred perception. The only ads that really affect my purchasing are technology ads. They let me know what is new on the market. The only ideologies that I consciously buy are those about being healthy and stop smoking ads, generally because they catch my attention.
The difference between needs and wants is a need is somthing that you cannot do without. things such as water, sunlight, air, food etc. These are things that humans need to survive. Wants are extra things that humans want such as car, the internet, computer, brand name things. Alot of my purchases are influenced by advertising. I say that because even when you see someone wearing a shoe that you like that is a form of advertising. The television is alos another place where I see things and go out and buy them. I think the form of advertisement that influences me most are people. The ideologies that i buy is you a condom to prevent HIV.
The difference between a need and is want is easy. Needing something is not being able go on day by day without it for example toilet paper is a necessity in life. Wanting something meaning craving for something that isn't important at the moment like wanting a new car. Most of my purchases were not really influenced by advertising except when it comes to electronics. If I see and advertising for a new phone, mp3, or video game system I am highly influenced. But for essentials like food I'm not really influenced by advertising.
When it comes to life it depends on what type of person you are. I fyour a materialistic person your wants may come in fornt of your needs at times because, you don't see your needs as that important. The way how to spereate the two is just like weighing the pros and cons. What is the best thing that can come out of buying watever and how long will it last and the main question to ask yourself is how big of a roll in my life will it play of i buy, how much use your going to have for it. A want is anything you regret after buying. Somethng you need is something you are reluctant o by in the process becasue the want for something else could still be there.
A need is something you can't do without like food, clothes,a roof over your head etc. A want is something that a person dose not need, like a sick bag collection of 20 or more bags, shoes in every color possible, the latest phones, etc. The difference between the two is one you cant live without and the other you can. A lot of my purchases was and still is influencsed by advertising. I buy the ideologies of how good the item would make me feel. How much energy it would give you and how athletic a person can be by purchaseing the items.
The differnce between a need and a want is very simple. A need is essential to life, the well being of ones health. a want is not essential at all. A person can go through life never getting something they want and still live a sterong and healthy life whereas for a need that is not the case. want goes even further when you think of cases like food. There are foods that sre needed to keep our bodies healthy and functioning the right way: however, there are foods that we just crave because it taste good, but is not needed to better our health, so we can do without eating those types of foods. My purchases always includes clothing and materialistic things, but not because im a materialistic person but i like the quality i get. Yes, some cheap stuff might have good quality but why take the risk, if the product is cheap, it has to have a good name behind it like H&M or American Eagle. The Ads that get me to purchase someething is the had that put a lot of effort in trying to pursuade me that the product is a good product.
The significant difference between a need and a want could be argued differently, depending on who you speak to. A need something that serves a meaningful purpose for what it is warranted for. But in today’s materialistic world there is a very fine line, between a need and a want for most. A need can sometimes be confused with a want. Wanting something does not really mean you need it. A good example of this is the purchasing of clothes. Sometimes you know to your self that the amount of clothing you have is enough, but just because you saw something at a clothing store, and it caught your eyes, you told your self you want it .When in your subconscious you know you don’t really need it. A want is something you could do without, but a need in different circumstances you may not. If you need a heart transplant, and you don’t get it, you may die. A need is based on practical thinking by analyzing the situation for which is warranted for. Most of my purchases are not influenced by adverting, because I tend to go for more of a common sense approach to things. Advertisements sometimes get my attention, but my decision is not defined by the advisement. Advertisements that show a practical side of things usually gets my attention. I usually based my decision to get something by the reviews of a regular consumer, not by advertisements.
When comparing something that we need to something that we want. Need relates to a thing that is essential for us to survive like water food shelter etc. A need is something that we feel can make our lives better than just surviving its not essential but we feel as though it helps, like an ipod or video games even cars. Advertising influences us to buy things because most advertisements make it seem as though we NEED to have this object in our lives which after seeing the same commercial over and over again we start to agree with them. Sometimes advertisements sell us an Idea like dont smoke or wear a condom. we may not buy anything but we have accepted the ideas put forth by the advertisement
The difference between a need and want is the mere fact that a need is something that has to be obtained to maintain survival.A want is something you do not need, but will please you - movies,jordans,BAPE clothing etc.
My purchases were somewhat influenced do to advertising, do to the fact that they make jordans fashionable and trendy. You have to have colors you,wouldnt normally wear. Advertisement also tells consumers whether the product is worth buying. Another form of advertising is logos on t-shirts. Many clothing companies put their logo on the front of clothing making you a walking billboard. The most chilling advertisiment that always gets to me are the ones caused by smoking. For example - the hispanic man cant swim do to a tracheotamy do to smoking, if he swims or doesn t bathe correctly he will drown. In my opinion it hits home only because I smoke flavored tobacco, and when you see commericals like this you think " am i really doing this much damage?" "am i going to end up like that?" The ideology that i buy is that smoking affects your health even if its burning through a water pipe.
This is Tawasi
The difference between a need and a want is that a need is something that is neccessary for our survival like food water clothing ect. but a want is something we think is neccessary and we crave and we want until this craving is satified such as toys and women lol.
I think the things i buy are not influenced by advertising because i barley buy anything that i see on television. when i buy clothes i buy whatever catches my eye and what seems affordable.
The difference between a need and a want is that a need is something very significant to one's existence. A want is something that you would like to have, but it doesn't matter if you have it in your life or not. Most of my purchases do result from advertising. Not in the typical sense as most people, with it being advertised via television, magazine, or newspaper but from the internet. The sneaker websites I visit on a daily basis all cross-market with clothing brands, skateshops, and hat stores. The ads that usually entice me of items by popular brands in the sneaker-culture, that are most often times limited edition pieces. There aren't a lot of aesthetics to the ads, just simple pics and release info.
To me, a need is some kind of a necessity, like a warm blanket to keep warm at night.
A want is something that you can live without, like a designer labelled blanket to keep you warm.
I have been a victim of purchasing based on advertising in the way that if i see a product on sale, even if i don't need it, i will consider buying it.
The advertising campains that influence me the most are the ones that show sales on jewellry, perfume, or on fasionable clothes because they are the things that i would usually go shopping for.
An add technique that is most effective on me is, sad to say, when someone famous vouches for a product. 'They're famous, so why would they lie', is usually my train of thought when watching the commercials with famous actors endorsing the products.
I am succeptable to buying into the ideaology that if someone famous is using the product, it is most likely very good or even one of the best on the market.
The difference between a need and a want is a very complicated question, as complicated as to which religion is right or wrong. People can say i need food but i want clothes, and they end up buying food because it's necessary for their body and living period. At this point, it gets complicated because when people buy food, i think 95% of the time they buy food they like or they are used to eating not what their body really needs. Not a many people realizes this but this happens in every situation when we come about selecting something to buy. To me a need is as much valuable as something i want because its about how you feel with choice afterwards, but that's another topic. Honestly, i don't believe any commercials have influenced anything I've ever bought. There are time in which i could be like wow!! i have to get that, but it's a short phase because i don't end up buying because i realize i don't really need it. It could sound weird but the ads that work with me the most are real life people. For example, I've never seen a commercial in Tv that says go to school or you would become a bum and live in the streets(sorry for the use of this word). To me seen someone in that situtaion makes me want to do whatever it takes to avoid being in that situation. Perhaps, i'm one of the few people who are not influenced by commercials, perhaps i'm the only one but when it comes to it, i just purchase or get influence by things or experiences i see or live instead of someone telling me who or what i should be or buy.
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